Chaîne des Rôtisseurs - Bailliage Régional de Phuket en Thailande
Member Area


General Introduction

Each year, the most important event for every bailliage is the induction ceremony and the dinner that follows. On this occasion new members are inducted, officers are elevated, and members are honored with awards. The ceremony must be carefully orchestrated to ensure an impressive and memorable evening for all those in attendance.

Who conducts inductions

In the case of local bailliage inductions, induction ceremonies are conducted only by the Bailli Delegue, by the Bailli Provincial of the region, by another national officer, or by a Chambellan Provincial specifically designated and authorized by the Bailli Provincial (See Sec. 3.1 of the Bylaws). A Bailli does not have the right to directly invite anyone other than the Bailli Delegue or his/her Bailli Provincial to perform an induction. It is the prerogative and responsibility of the Bailli Provincial to invite or assign someone to conduct an induction if he/she(or the Bailli Delegue) cannot do so.

Chamberlains may perform inductions within their own region, but they may not perform inductions outside of their region unless authorized to do so by the Bailli Delegue.

By tradition, international officers (members of the Conseil Magistral) and Bailli Delegues of other countries are permitted to participate in our ceremonies, but only if approved by the Bailli Delegue des Etats-Unis.

Induction financial considerations

Part of the induction fee covers the cost of sending an inducting officer and his/her companion to the induction site. The Bailli should obtain a sufficient number of inductees (this number to be determined by the Bailli Provincial) to create a fiscally viable situation. In cases where there are too few candidates, the possibility of having them inducted when a neighboring bailliage has a ceremony scheduled should be explored.

Expenses of the inducting officer

Transportation costs are reimbursed by the National Office based on the current reimbursement policy. The cost of overnight accommodations at a first class hotel (standard or better rooms) is borne by the Bailliage for the night of the induction and other nights if a longer stay is requested by the Bailliage. Also absorbed by the local bailliage is the cost of the induction dinner for both the inducting officer and his/her companion. It is appropriate for the local Bailli to furnish transportation from the airport to the hotel and to and from the induction dinner or other events.

Selection of a date

The date for an induction is arranged between the Bailli and the Bailli Provincial. This should be done as early as possible and before a date is finalized with the host establishment. It is the responsibility of the Bailli Provincial to notify the National Office once a date has been established.

Role of the National Office

Ribbons and Livre d'Or pages will be prepared and sent from the National Office provided the Bailli Provincial advises the Office that the induction has been approved. The Office must receive a list of names of the individuals to be inducted and of those to be elevated at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date (earlier when possible). Payment of the induction and dues fees for new members and the promotion fees for elevations must be received by that time as well. Pages for the Livre d'Or will be prepared based on a list from either the Bailli or the Bailli Provincial.

Preparations and Protocol

The Bailli should communicate in advance with the inducting officer regarding the arrangement of the room in which the ceremony will take place and the availability of both a Chaine banner and an inducting implement (sword/spit), both of which may be obtained from the National Office, if necessary. The Bailli has the responsibility of making certain that chapter officers are assigned to perform the various duties that are required. A public address system should be made available if the gathering is large.

Optimally, the induction ceremony precedes the reception so that the inductees have an opportunity to display their newly awarded decorations at the reception, and so that the inducting officers can enjoy the reception free of responsibility. Alternately, the induction is scheduled after the reception. In either case, sufficient time should be allowed for the ceremony, and inductees should arrive in ample time for orientation and preparation.

The inducting officer and his/her companion should be introduced to as many members as possible during the reception.

It is suggested that the inducting officer and the Bailli schedule a meeting with the bailliage's officers during the time of the visit. This provides an opportunity for the sharing of ideas and for the discussion of any areas of concern.

Room Arrangement

For the induction ceremony, a separate room, preferably with a platform, is desired. It must be of sufficient size to accommodate seating for all inductees, members, and guests in attendance. Inductees should be seated together in the first rows.

The Chaine banner should be suspended behind a platform or area where the inductee will receive his or her decoration and should be positioned so that it serves as a background for the photograph and as a prop for the inducting officer's explanation of the Society's Coat of Arms.

A draped table of adequate size to arrange all ribbons /decorations should be placed to the left side of the platform. The decorations should be arranged in the same order as the listings in the Livre d'Or pages to prevent confusion.

A similar table should be placed on the opposite side of the platform, on which the Livre d'Or registry pages and a pen rest, and where the inductee affixes his/her signature after being formally inducted.

Room Arrangement Induction Process

Inducting officers and assistants

National and/or bailliage officers assist the inducting officer and the Bailli with the ceremony. It is appropriate to have one officer in charge of selecting and passing the decorations to the Bailli on the platform, another officer to read the names of the inductees as they are listed in the Livre d'Or pages, and another officer to be responsible for making certain each inductee signs the Livre d'Or. If National Officers are in attendance, they should be given an opportunity to assist in the ceremony in place of local officers.

Induction order

The proper order of the ceremony is inductions first, in the sequence Ecuyers, Chevaliers, Dames; then professionals, in the sequence Rotisseur, Chef Rotisseur, Maitre de Table, Maitre Rotisseur, Maitre Rotisseur Traiteur, Maitre Hotelier, Professionnel du Vin, and Professionnel de la Table. Next come elevations, in the sequence Bailli, Vice Charge(e) de Presse, Vice Charge(e) de Missions, Vice Echanson, Vice Conseiller Culinaire, Vice Conseiller Gastronomique, Vice Chancelier-Argentier, and Officier, followed by professional elevations. In general, elevations go from the lowest ranks to the highest, with the exception of the naming of a new Bailli. Elevating the new Bailli first enables this person to participate as Bailli in the balance of the ceremony.

The Ceremony

After everyone is seated, the Bailli introduces the inducting officer to the assembled candidates, members, and guests. The inducting officer speaks briefly, often relating the history and describing the current activities of the Chaine, and explains the Rules of the Chaine, which are as follows:

  • Eat when served.
  • Water is served only upon request.
  • No speeches are allowed.
  • Smoking is not permitted until after coffee is served.

The inducting officer then asks the inductees to stand for the recitation of the Chaine Oath. Members being elevated or reinstated need not repeat the oath and may remain seated during the Oath.

The Inductees are asked to raise their right hands and to repeat after the inducting officer the following:

"I do solemnly pledge to follow the rules of the Chaine des Rotisseurs, to honor my fellow members, and join in harmony with them at the table.鈥

The names and titles of the candidates are then read, one at a time, by the officer in charge, in the same order as listed in the pages of the Livre d'Or. As his/her name is called, the candidate steps onto the platform. The Bailli places the decoration on the inductee and gives an appropriate accolade and handshake, after which the inducting officer, facing the candidate in front of the Chaine banner, places the sword/spit on the candidate's shoulder closest to the banner, and pronounces the Statement of Induction, in French or in English, as follows:

In the case of a new inductee:
"Having received your pledge, in the name of the Conseil Magistral, I name you (rank is then stated).鈥

Or in French:
"Ayant re莽u votre serment, au nom du Conseil Magistral, je vous consacre (rank is then stated).鈥

In the case of a person being elevated:
"By virtue of the power vested in me, I name you (rank is then stated).鈥

Or in French:
"En vertu du pouvoir qui m'a 茅t茅 accord茅, je vous consacre (rank is then stated).鈥

The inducting officer then shakes the new member's hand and/or gives the fraternal greeting. The new member then proceeds to the table holding the registry, signs the Livre d'Or, and returns to his/her seat.

This procedure may be embellished, if desired. For example, at some inductions, the inducting officer and local officers process into the room after everyone is seated, and the local officers remain standing at the front of the room during the ceremonies. Some bailliages designate officers to escort each candidate to and from the stage. At least one bailliage stages a ceremony, in which the new members are given a taste of a gilded goose, which is brought forth with fanfare.

Large inductions

In cases where there are over 30 members to induct, in order to expedite the induction process it is suggested that candidates be asked to take seats in the order in which they are to be called. After a candidate is inducted and is in the process of leaving the platform to sign the Livre d'Or, the names of other candidates are called so they can begin to line up. They receive their decorations before approaching the platform.

Induction photos

It is desirable to have each new member photographed as he/she is inducted. Here are two ways to accomplish this so that a suitable memento results. In both cases the photographer photographs the candidate when the sword is placed on the shoulder, and, if the Bailli wishes to be in the photo, he/she stands partially behind the inductee.

In the first instance, both the inductee and the inducting officer are at right angles (in profile) to the photographer, and the Bailli is facing the photographer off to the left in the background. In the second instance, the photographer takes the photo at such an angle that most of the face of the inductee shows, with only partial views of the inducting officer and the Bailli.

If time permits and if it is deemed desirable, as soon as the inductee has been inducted the inducting officer and inductee can pose for a photo standing side by side, facing the photographer, beneath the Chaine banner.

Immediately following the ceremonies, it is desirable to have a group picture taken of the inducting officer, Bailli, and everyone that has been elevated and inducted. Local officers may be included as well at the option of the Bailli. Sometimes less formal photos are taken of just the new inductees during the evening.